Do you want to be a citizen of the U. S.? If yes, then, have you asked for U.S. Citizenship? And, do you know what are the basic terms to get the right to live as a citizen in the United States? Above all, do you know what is United States Citizenship? So, let’s get our facts clear about this topic. Firstly, to get the right to live in the U.S, you need to live there for at least half of the said time. To clarify, five years are the limit and you need to live in the nation for a point of half of the time.
Secondly, once you meet the terms and get the right to live in the U.S., you will get some rights. Further, you need to live by the law and offer some duties to the state. However, all the citizens of the U.S. are protected by the law. And the law gives them some rights and duties that all have to follow. Moreover, do you know about the basic steps that one should follow to be a U.S. Citizen? Well, in this blog, we are going to make clear the topics linked to U.S. Citizenship. Keep Reading.
1. What are the Requirements for U.S. Citizenship?
Certainly, to be a citizen of the U.S., you need to apply for it. And, to apply for it, you need to pass and meet all the defined terms. On the other hand, if you have some rights or have worked in forces then, you need to check the terms well.
- The least age shall be 18.
- Stay always in the U.S. as a green card holder for some years.
- Keep a residency in the U.S. and have a stable place to apply.
- Have good social and moral honour.
- Must have good knowledge of U.S. Language, History, and Government.
- A male person should list for army duty at a set age.
- Be ready to do civil duties as and when wanted.
- Swear and be loyal to the law of the United States.
2. Demonstrating “Continuous Presence”
If you are a green card holder and want to apply for United States Citizenship, then you have to stay there for a set time. In other words, you have to show your legal presence in the country. To clarify, you should not take any trip outside the U.S. that last 6-months or more. Generally, they check this record in the last 3 – 5 years. The time of three years is for the mates of U.S Citizens and five years for normal green card-holders. Most importantly, if you go on trips outside the U.S. then you should return before six months. And, if you do not follow this rule then they have all the rights to deny your appeal. There are other ways to get the luck of success if your trips are longer than the urged time. Let’s check.
- The time you spend outside the U.S.
- How many were your trips?
- The purpose for longer trips.
- Time and type of army duty.
- Offer your paper on time.
There are some other points that you should take into the report. Let’s check.
If you Stayed Abroad for 181 to 364 Days
If you stayed out for more than six months but less than a year, then the USCIS can reject your call for citizenship. You need to win their trust by giving some valid logic and showing them the proof. The reasons can be the following:
- That you have a stable home in the U.S.
- Your children have joined in the school here.
- You were not trying for a job abroad.
- Your family members were in the nation all the time.
- That you had some problems and were not able to leave during 181-364 days.
If you Stayed Abroad for 365 Days Or More
Certainly, if you stayed outside the United States for 365 days or more, your citizenship and stable residence status will be denied by the USCIS. And, you will have to wait for a set time to apply for it again. You will have to wait 4 years and 1 day to re-apply after returning from the trip. In the same vein, if you are a mate of a U.S. Citizen then you will have to wait for 2 years and 1 day to re-apply.
How to Avoid Breaking Continuous Presence
If you don’t want that your citizenship to get denied then here are some steps that you should follow. Check your options.
Ask for a “Re-Entry Permit.
If you need to stay out of the U.S. for more than six months or a year, then you need to apply for a re-entry permit. You need to use FORM I-131 before you leave the nation. In addition, you need to give your biometrics before leaving the nation. Also, you need to request them you will pick up the re-entry permit from the embassy in the nation you are visiting. Above all, the validity of a re-entry permit is for two years only. You need to return before two years or you will not be allowed to enter the nation.
Ask for the “Preservation” of your Permanent Residence.
If you need to stay out of U.S. for more than a year due to work but want to keep your status then you need to show proof of the work. And, this work should be allowed by the USCIS. Most importantly, to apply for the preservation, you need to submit FORM N-470 to USCIS.
Request for a “Returning Resident Visa.”
If you have to stay out of U.S. due to some problems and haven’t asked for the re-entry visa before going then it is vital to apply for a returning resident visa. In other words, at certain times you need to contact your nearest U.S. Embassy three months before hitting back. You need to give them the proof and follow the rules. Most importantly, you need to submit a FORM DS-117 and talk with the consular to get your returning resident visa on the basis of proof of the stuff.
In Conclusion
To Sum up, in this blog, we make clear the idea of Unite States Citizenship and similar topics. We hope that you get what you were trying. For more nice blogs, keep reading.